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At a time of physical distancing, I have decided to reactivate my newsletter and re-connect. Let's stay in touch. I will be sharing simple health hacks to help you look and feel great!
At a time of physical distancing, I have decided to reactivate my newsletter and re-connect. Let's stay in touch. I will be sharing simple health hacks to help you look and feel great!
Naturopathic Medicine Week Dear friends, Effective May 26, 2020, Ontario's Chief Medical Officer of Health amended Directive #2 to allow naturopathic doctors to: Provide all services by telepractice and Provide in-person health services with certain requirements. I have decided to only provide virtual naturopathic services at this time. This way we
Dear Friends, Effective March 14, 2020, this clinic is closed for all in-person consults in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Please contact Natalie Cheng-Kai-ON, ND for telemedicine consultation bookings. One of the main principles of naturopathic medicine is PREVENTION. The best way to prevent the spread of COVID-19 is to practice
Stress is a feeling that people have when they are overloaded and struggling to cope with demands. Two people can have the same stress, but the person who perceives it to be threatening may feel that stress more. And that stress can contribute to anxiety, inflammation, hormone imbalance, and low energy. Stress management
What should Canadians do to protect themselves from viruses this season? Naturopathic spice for warming The flu virus, and the 2019 novel coronavirus associated with Wuhan, China are two hot topics right now. Everything you need to know about them can be found on the Ontario Ministry of Health’s website, which
Happy New Year! The fresh start of a new year brings time to reflect on our past accomplishments and challenges of the year. What will this year have in store for you? Most people take this time to make new year's resolutions about health, love, and happiness. But are we setting ourselves up
“I am planning to have a family in the future. Is it too early to start preparing now?” It’s never too early to build a healthy foundation for future conception. When a woman finds out she is pregnant, they are often 4 weeks along, and they have missed the most critical time for
Your naturopathic doctor focuses on hormone balancing, stress reduction, optimizing nutrient absorption, and detoxification, with a special interest in fertility, pregnancy, and pediatric care. Here are a list of some concerns that she successfully treats. Women’s Health - Endometriosis - PCOS - Menstrual cycle irregularities - Ovulation Men’s Health - Sperm health and quality
On July 1, 2015, the Ontario Government proclaimed the Naturopathy Act, 2007. The Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors has provided this OAND press release yesterday to explain what this means to you and me. What does proclamation mean to me as an ND? I am now part of a self-regulated health care profession We
For the last 9 years, I have coached and treated hundreds of people in the area of stress management, an area that affects all of us at some point in our life. My own experiences helped me to understand how stress management is often the missing puzzle piece in someone’s health picture. Since